The story follows two families who discover mysterious synchronicities in their lives after becoming neighbors in a town. As their mirror-like behaviors gain public attention, they become symbols of diversity until an accident breaks their perfect symmetry, forcing them to confront what authenticity truly means.
This story is inspired by the mysterious patterns and connections that often emerge in life, shaping our experiences in ways we can’t always explain. It reflects a fascination with the unseen forces that bind us together, even across cultures, identities, and time.
Two families, one extraordinary connection—when lives align, the ordinary becomes extraordinary.
Two families move to a new neighborhood and discover an uncanny synchronicity between their lives, sparking doubt and tension as they grapple with whether this mysterious connection is fate—or an elaborate deception.
When two families move into identical homes in a small town, they begin to experience eerie synchronicities that mirror their lives, unraveling a web of cultural clashes, hidden agendas, and unexpected connections. As they navigate doubt and trust, they must decide whether these coincidences signify a profound bond—or a manipulated illusion
A witty historian grappling with his identity in a new town, Deep's pragmatic nature clashes with the mysterious synchronicities between his family and the Donovans, challenging his skepticism.
A passionate novelist and protective mother, Preet’s curiosity about the families’ strange connection leads her to question the boundaries between coincidence and manipulation.
An insightful English professor with a fascination for the inexplicable, Todd embraces the synchronicities as a sign of deeper, unseen forces shaping their lives.
A pragmatic yet empathetic novelist, Beth is drawn to Preet by their shared creative passions, but the mysterious "oneness" tests her sense of control and trust.
A savvy and ambitious diversity officer, Justin sees the Singhs and Donovans as the perfect tools for his agenda, though his true motives remain unclear.
The story subverts typical diversity narratives by exploring synchronicity as both a connecting and dividing force. Rather than focusing on obvious cultural clashes, it examines how forced similarity can be as harmful as forced difference, making its commentary on diversity fresh and nuanced.
The supernatural/mystical element of synchronicity is grounded in everyday realities, creating an original blend of magical realism and social commentary. The script avoids taking a definitive stance on whether the synchronicity is divine intervention or manipulation, allowing viewers to draw their own conclusions while engaging with deeper themes about authentic connection versus manufactured similarity.
Budget Estimate: $1 million
Target Audience : Culturally diverse adults, 25-54, who enjoy drama, relationship-driven stories, and supernatural elements in realistic settings.
Marketability: Its dual-culture perspective makes it appealing to Intl. markets, especially South Asian diaspora and cross-cultural audiences.
We're seeking to raise preliminary/seed development funding for our project. This crucial step will enable us to initiate the project efficiently, ensuring we have a strong foundation for success. With these funds, we can secure the talent and resources needed to bring the film to fruition.
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